

Health hotline: in case of suspected infection only! (24h)

0800 555 621

Coronavirus information (24h)


this sunday 29 aug at 4 pm

church in donau park

This Sunday we will gather in Donau Park for a Sunday service. We will meet by the Papstkreuz in Donau Park. Please follow the link below to see the location.


For this Sunday service we are preparing an outdoor communion, time of worship and a short sermon and would like you to join us in fellowship.

We would like to ask you to bring some picnic blankets and/or folding chairs to enjoy the service even more. Feel free to bring some snacks for the fellowship time afterwards.

In case of bad weather, we will meet back at the Novum for an informal service.

Every soul saved into eternal life is brought there by God through faith. Only by faith are we delivered from an otherwise inescapable judgment.

The seed of all saving faith is the Gospel. It is the message that divine love and divine judgment meet, in history, on the Earth, at the death of Jesus Christ. And because he died this way, and rose back to life, his death is accepted by God as substitute for all who believe.

To believe in this testimony is to bear witness that Jesus is the Son of God and savior of the world. The Church was established on earth to bear this witness to the ends of the earth. We are witness.

This Easter—with war and pestilence so near and urgent—we are mindful that the public witness to the meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. It’s private witness of the same to our sin-scarred hearts is the hope of our souls. Even today the witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes.

Join us this Easter in three special days bearing witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Palm Sunday will involve a musical performance of Mozart’s Requiem. A play called “What is Truth” is also planned. On Good Friday, we will have a joint bilingual service with Evangeliums Gemeinde. Then Easter Sunday, will include a special choir made up of members of the Chapel and the International Baptist Church of Vienna.

Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.” – Luke 24:45-48


Chapel Media Team

The media team at the Chapel works together to captures the beauty of the church gathered, in its visual and sonic graces, and to shed its light abroad.


How we work

Monthly Team Lunch

Pre-service prayer huddle

After-service debrief session


your soul and gifts have a place here

If God has given you a gift in media and a desire to put the beauty of Jesus Christ on display through the local church, we would love to have you join our team of volunteers.


Sound mixer

Requires grace under pressure.


house Crew

Preparing the venue for worship.

Graphic Artist

Do you know how to use Photoshop or Canva?


Video Editor

Does Da Vinci Resolve mean anything to you?

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