"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations." — Jesus
Our aim is to help everyone from among the nations in Vienna grow into the fullest measure that God created them for in Christ. We endeavor towards this by cultivating community build upon the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
A community built on Jesus
Weekend Gatherings
What we believe about God is the fuel for our worship. So we gather each Sunday to renew our vision with celebratory remembrance of God and the gospel. Through teaching, music and prayer, and fellowship, we do this together.
Our Sundays gatherings are for the entire family. We prepare special activities during Sunday services to help children discover God.
Weekday Gatherings
At ICV, belonging and worship extend beyond the Sunday service. For this reason, we also meet as smaller life groups during the week. Here we seek to forge life-giving relationships and help each other grow in faith week after week.
Our goal is not to know more people, but to know people more.
In these smaller gatherings, we study the Bible, enjoy meals, pray for one another, and share the joys and sorrows of life and God’s mission for us.
Our Leaders
Our church is led by qualified men, chosen from within our community. They watch over the well-being of the people of the church as elders and pastors. Their charge is to see that the Chapel pursues the mission for which Jesus established the church. Under the elders’ oversight are Ministry Leaders and Team Leads.
Richmond Baah
David Phillips