
To see everyone presented complete in Jesus Christ.

  • Paul wrote, "we proclaim Him (Christ), admonishing and teaching everyone with wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ."

    So we seek to build up each member of the body of Christ, with the goal of spiritual maturity, which includes understanding and application of God's Word.

    The tangible results in our congregation should be reflected in a greater number of individuals making a commitment to live in a way that reflects Christ, both inside and outside the church.

    To help make this happen, individuals can take advantage of the opportunities provided to deepen their understanding and application of God's Word, and look for ways to share what they learn with others.

    — Rob & Sandy (

  • The church is a testament to divine genius (Ephesians 3), in that our ordinary lives are woven through the Spirit into a beautiful testament of Christ’s ongoing work these thousands of years since his first appearing.

    The work of the communications team is to tell the story of God’s work at the Chapel inside and outside the church.

    The teams focus this year is relaunching periodical publications on what’s going on in the church life, and developing way to involve ministry leaders more in the content we share.

    Comms is a lot of work and we are always look for more talented writers, organizers, and graphic artists to join the team.

    — Petro (

  • Family ministries exist so that the kids and teens would grow in their love of God, self, and others and become life-long followers of Christ so “that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Col 1:28b).

    That the children and teens would be continually growing in their love and respect for God, His Word, their parents, and the body of Christ and they will learn to care for the poor and marginalized.

    Prayerfully consider passing your Christian heritage on to the next generation through teaching and investing in the children and youth in the church.

    — Pearl (

  • The Lord has called not only individuals but our church to "Honor the Lord from our wealth" from Proverbs 3:9.

    Our aim is to help you, the members of the Chapel, understand and have confidence in how we use the money entrusted to us.

    We need those who can improve our communication and member involvement with our finances. In addition, we need more volunteers in counting and depositing the Sunday offerings.

    We value transparency in explaining our needs, in budgeting, and in spending our Chapel funds.

    Richmond (

  • The church gathered is one of the most beautiful visions on earth. There is a special way that God is manifested in the midst of his assembly.

    The focus for the media team this year is to better support and capture this beauty of worship at the Chapel while being less disruptive to it.

    There is much physical and technical work that goes into setting up and operating the stage, sound, and cameras each Sunday, for which we need more trained hands to share the effort.

    — Petro (

  • ‘Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”’ (Matt 28:18-20)

    As an impact of his ministry, we hope to see the church become more outwardly focused, more open to receiving new people into the congregation. People would look for ways to reach the lost and become better evangelist themselves.

    There are several ways you can get involved right away. We welcome you to participate in the monthly outreaches, invite their own friends to evangelistic events at church. Become that familiar welcoming face that people will see when they come to church.

    — Brian (

  • You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. (2Tim 2:2)

    The goal of the Preaching Ministry is to create biblically relevant sermons that speak to a wider/diverse audience.

    Anyone who is interested in understanding the Word in a deeper way is welcome to join Pastor Brian as he regularly meets with a small group to study the Bible from the perspective of preaching.

    — Brian (

  • Sunday Worship is a family gathering convened by our triune God. It is a privilege granted uniquely to the church. We are called to worship, and we desire our worship to be pleasing to Him, and as commanded by Him.

    We want our church to approach God each Sunday with reverent intimacy. Reverence for the Most High, and intimacy with the Father, Friend, and Helper.

    Do you desire to be the host and servant of the Sunday family gathering? Do you want to prepare the way for the congregation, protect them from distractions, and guide them towards earnest worship? Then let’s talk.

    We want every Sunday Worship to be the highlight of each week, guiding us to look back with thanksgiving, and look forward in hopeful anticipation.

    — Sunyoung (

  • The Welcome-Fellowship team seeks to welcome people into the house of God & help them prepare for the full worship experience. “Therefore, [continue to] accept and welcome one another, just as Christ has accepted and welcomed us to the glory of [our great] God” (Rom 15:7 AMP).

    This ministry should result in greater love, care, and value being expressed toward each individual and create more unity, connectivity, and fruitfulness within the body of Christ.

    People are invited to prayerfully consider joining the welcome-fellowship team as Jesus’ hands and feet.

    — Pearl (

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