General Data Protection Regulations - Your Action is Required

Over the last year or so ICV administration has been working hard to ensure that the Chapel is following the European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which are designed to protect the personal information of all people living in the EU.

We already have a data policy for our website ( and now we are creating a register of church member (and regular attendee) consents. This has two purposes. Firstly, it informs you of what data ICV collects and how it will be used. And secondly, it allows you to decide what the Chapel may or may not use your personal data for.

For legal reasons, ICV must collect the name and address of each member, which can be shared with the Chapel's parent organisation, but other data and uses are optional. For example, you can opt in or out of the church directory, the regular newsletter or being included in the Chapel's posts on social media.

All members or regular attendees from 14 years of age are encouraged to complete the form. For parents of children under 14 years of age, you can complete a form on behalf of each child.

Please use the following link to register your personal consents. You will be asked to enter your email address and you’ll then get an email that lets you log in and record your choices. The process should take less than 5 minutes per person.

You can also return to the link above at any time in the future to review or update your consents.

If you have any questions please contact the ICV GDPR Officer, Garth Williams, by sending an email to

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